Sunday, June 1, 2014

Taco Bell, Temp Work and Cat Addicts Anonymous

1. Today I went to Taco Bell for lunch. Even though it kind of makes me hate myself, this has still been the highlight of my day so far. I love how they combine the same four ingredients to make  a myriad of nacho cheese enrobed seasoned beef tortilla with reduced fat sour cream delights. I’ve been reading a lot of junk food reviews lately (can I recommend if you’re into food porn?) and it sort of makes me want to try my hand at it, but on the other hand, writing anymore about Taco Bell’s food-esque products than I already have is sort of depressing.

2. Maybe instead I’ll write about the “toasted” (i.e. deep fried) ravioli Dane is allegedly making for dinner tonight. We were allegedly going to have them last night, but instead we had frozen pizza at 10:30 at night. Our dining schedule is so European! (i.e. bread out of procrastination.) I’ll keep you posted on their deliciousness, but I won’t write anymore right now because Dane thinks I write about him in this blog ALL THE TIME WHICH IS SO WEIRD even though I think I’ve barely mentioned him and I’m pretty sure what I’ve said here so far qualifies as writing about him. Woops. (And anyway, he’s like my favorite person, why wouldn’t I write about him?)

3. I’m doing temp work right now at a silicone manufacturing company in beautiful Carpinteria, CA and it is sooooo boring. I file ALL DAY LONG. I’m getting really good at putting stuff in numerical order. And even when I’m not filing, I’m doing work that is not hard, and requires no creativity or critical thinking. Well, at least it isn’t stressful (it could actually stand to be a little more so) and I get paid on time, and even if I don’t get paid very much, I get paid something. It certainly beats unemployment. Still, I’ve never worked at a big company where a. our work email is only internal, so I can’t send email to people who aren’t in the company. B. It is completely dead silent almost all the time. This is a room full of women and none of them seem to speak to one another. It’s not an icy silence, but it’s pretty damn quiet. c. We have restricted Internet access which we’re not really supposed to use at all. I’m pretty sure I’m not supposed to be doing this either, but since I don’t have anything else to do at this moment and it at least looks like I’m doing something productive, I think I should be okay.

4. Every morning I wake up and want to go back to sleep. Every. Morning. I’ve never been much of a morning person and on weekends I sleep until I can’t sleep anymore (last Saturday, I napped on and off for most of the day), but having an uninspiring job really compounds the problem. Right now, it’s 8:15 and the day is just stretching ahead of me with no sign of anything to look forward to. I wish I was curled up in my warm bed for the foreseeable future. If I’m lucky, today I might get some interesting filing. Just kidding, there’s no such thing as interesting filing.

5. To stay awake at my boring job, I now drink a whole lot of caffeine. I went from drinking no caffeine at all to drinking an energy drink, a coffee or two, a giant iced coffee at lunch, and a soda sometime late afternoon. I’m surprised I sleep at all. I’m sure it’s not very good for me, but it beats falling asleep at my desk which I am doing right now. On the days I take an hour lunch break, I like to nap in the car.

6. Update: those “toasted” raviolis did get made last night and they were quite delicious. The only drawback is that you can only eat like two of them in a sitting because they’re very rich…which I imagine should be predictable given that they’re deep fried raviolis. The best part about them was that I didn’t help make them AT ALL (not even a little bit) and instead sat on the couch rewatching the first season of Game of Thrones. And then I didn’t even offer to clean up. To be fair, I wasn’t feeling very good. Normally I’m not such an asshole.

7. I recently joined a group on Facebook called Cat Addicts Anonymous. (And yes, I realize this is a pretty good indicator that I will die alone and my many cats will then eat my face off, though I’ve read it’s much more likely for a dog to eat your face off than a cat. Another unfair cat-related stereotype.) People mostly post pictures of their cats and amusing cat related memes, but yesterday someone posted the following question: “For dumb reasons, CPS is involved and the guy is complaining about cat odor. What’s the best litter for cat smell?” Now, it doesn’t seem like CPS is involved primarily BECAUSE of the cat odor, but still, I can’t help but wonder how bad does it have to smell for CPS to think that cat odor is a child welfare issue? Pretty bad, I would think. There was also a picture posted a couple days ago of a cat strapped into a child’s car seat with some comment about the owner needing a boyfriend. Personally, I think the owner of this cat probably needs a mental health professional more than she needs a boyfriend.

8. Speaking of cats, because he’s retired and has too much time on his hands, my dad has taught my cat (who now lives with his grandparents) how to shake paws, sit, and lie down on command. Because he’s not desperate to please like your average dog, he only does this if he is incentivized with treats, but still, how cool is that? Maybe he can join the cat circus which is a real thing and involves a cat band. I haven’t seen them perform (though obviously I desperately want to) so I couldn’t tell you if they’re any good or not, but I’m also pretty sure it doesn’t matter. Really, how can you go wrong with a banjo playing cat?

9. I’ve been writing this on and off again all day long, so here I am 15 minutes before I get to go home to visit my parents and my cat. I’m pretty thrilled at the prospect. When work is this boring, it’s all the more exciting when you get to leave it.

10. I don’t really have a number 10, but I couldn’t bring myself to leave it at 9. I’m not at all obsessive compulsive (I could stand to be a little more so) but still.