Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Unemployment, Giardia, and Christian Drug Dealers

1. I saw Michael Bolton in concert a couple weeks ago and it was magical. Magical, I tell you! His voice sounded exactly like it does on CD's (IF NOT BETTER) and he is dreamy. DREAMY, I SAY!  He changed clothes three times and even though none of his ensembles involved bedazzlement, I still appreciated the effort. To commemorate the event, I got an enormous black t-shirt with his face on it. I plan to wear it non-ironically, the same way I wear my Hanson t-shirt. Beckie and I (yes, I found someone to go with me, completely voluntarily) were probably the youngest audience members there, but what we lacked in age and oxygen tanks, we made up for with enthusiasm. To be honest, before going, I wasn't aware of how many Michael Bolton songs I knew. A lot, that's how many.

2. Today, I got fired from my brand new job at a Christian medical marijuana dispensary (there were bible quotes on the receipts, just like at In and Out) . I've never been fired before, and I got to tell you, it doesn't feel good.  A week after I started working there, I came down with what I thought was probably the flu, but turned out to be giardia. I decided to tell my new employer that I had a bacterial infection (instead of a highly contagious intestinal parasite) because they had been really cautious about me getting a doctor's note to return even when they thought it was just the flu and I was worried if I told them it was giardia, it would be another week before I'd be allowed to return, but instead, today, when I was still sick, and called in to the tell them that I would come in but was still sick, they fired me. Is there a German word for disappointed relief? Because if there is, that's what I have. Disappointed because I really (really) can't afford not to have a job as I have rent to pay and what not, but I also wasn't all that wild about my new job (I listened to six hours of Christian rock on my last day there, which was just as excruciating as it sounds, not because I have anything against Christianity per se, but I do have something against that particular musical genre. I will concede that I may have questionable taste in music (see #1), but it's not so bad that it includes Christian rock. Anyway, so now I'm unemployed and also still sick, which means that I'm making frequent trips to the bathroom while at the same time dealing with intermittent crying jags.

3. On a related note, why are admin and customer service jobs so poorly paying in this town? I have like 15 years of client services experience and am really good at it and yet, apparently my skills are worth almost nothing. I have a job interview tomorrow, which is promising (did I mention I really need a job?) but given the job description, DOE probably means $15 an hour which is demonstrably lower than the job I left to go work for Christian drug dealers, a job I left because I thought I wasn't making enough. (Christian drug dealing makes pretty decent money, btw, in case you were interested.) There are a couple really awesome looking writing jobs on Craigslist right now that I know I would be just super at, but I don't think I even have any writing samples anymore. This is my first effort to write on a regular basis in quite some time, and I haven't been exactly excelling at that.

4. Right now, I really want a drink, but I can't have one. The warning labels on the antibiotics I'm taking pretty much promise that I'll die if I have one. I doubt this is true, but given my luck today, I think it's better not to press the issue.

5. So maybe I should just go back to school and rack up some more student loan debt? Because I only have like $40,000 so far. From degrees I didn't complete. That feels so good to write, especially considering the day I've had. I've been taking this class at City College called Chemical Dependency and the Family or something like that, which is one of the classes for getting your Drug and Alcohol Counselor certification which I think I'd probably be pretty good at, but since I have my BA already, I could also go back to school for my Master's in Family Therapy which will be really expensive but gratifying. Definitely something to think about.

6. On a brighter note, my mom and I are going to see Book of Mormon on Sunday and I could not be more excited. I already know all the words to all the songs because I borrowed the soundtrack from the library last year and listened to it non-stop for weeks. It's so good, you guys. If you have any interest in musical theater or Mormons (I happen to be a big fan of all of the above), I definitely suggest you check it out.


  1. So sorry about all your icky sucks sometimes. I saw Michael Bolton and Kenny G. Together. I'll let that soak in. The Book of Mormon is AWESOME. I've waited my whole life for a song called "I've got Maggots on my Scrotum." Hope things look up soon, my dear.

  2. I can't imagine the magic that was MB and KG together. So good. I'm sure I'll find another job, I just hope it's soon. Love my mom, she's blaming the Christian part of Christian drug dealers for this unfortunate turn of events.
